Monday, May 19, 2008

Still a Newby

I am sitting at the back of the room at Novant orientation. I am looking at all 88 new faces joining our company, and they all look eager, and a little anxious. That is how I feel about this new type of communication...blogging.
So why am I at the back? Well, I am one of the educators responsible for the orientation this morning. I have been doing this every month for several years, so no more anxiety for this.
I can only imagine that I will get comfortable writing blogs, too!

1 comment:

photojhh said...

Linda --

Welcome to Cyberspace! You can think of this blogging thingey as a new-fangled way for a bunch of family members to have a bunch of simultaneous and always-updated "circular letters" like the extended Harms and Harder families used to do with paper and U.S. Mail. :-)