Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Evidence based diet

Tonight on the news ABC they revealed THE TRUTH: low carbohydrate diets work the best. Why? They do not stimulate insulin production, and there is minimal hunger. I can attest to both of these...I have been doing Dr. Bernstein's almost-no-CHO diet for 2 weeks now and have said good-bye to at least 7#, and I have rarely felt any hunger. The protein and fat just satisfy me. Yes, I miss CHOs, but too bad, this works, my BG proves it. Oh yes, stress is bad. Whenever I am doing something stressful, even when I am enjoying it, my BG shoots up. The highest it went this week is 114 after teaching a large class a subject I am NOT fond of teaching, but it was my turn to do it. Most physicians may think 114 is not so bad, and after all, in Novant hospitals, we think a range of 70 - 170 is OK...but I know better now. I should be in the 80's, that is, if I were not overweight, I probably would be. So it has got to go, and this diet is working. PS, did you know that green beans, 1 cup cooked, PLAIN, have over 7 carbs? Yikes.

1 comment:

Tia Harms said...

Linda, I stopped by for a visit to your blog! So fun, but time for a new post I think since the last was in July ;0) What are you up to? I hope you are doing well and will stop in again soon! -Tia