Friday, May 30, 2008

Teaching nonviolence

Today I taught a nonviolent crisis intervention session. The Mennonite in me has come full circle. It is a system of nonviolence that can be applied to any escalating interpersonal situation. The stages are anxiety, defensive, acting out and tension reduction. When a person is anxious, the best way to react to him or her is to be supportive and caring. If she escalates to the defensive state, the best response is to set limits, choices or boundaries. If the situation escalates from these verbal states into physical acting out, the reaction needs to be nonviolent physical intervention. The final state is tension reduction, when all the bad energy has been spent, the person is exhausted, and the crisis is past. At this point the person needs to have contact with staff reestablished, care and rapport reintroduced. We teach and review these steps annually to all our emergency room staff, our behavioral health (psychiatric unit) staff, and to our public safety officers. I enjoyed teaching the session, and from the evaluations, so did the class.

1 comment:

photojhh said...

So I'm curious -- what does "nonviolent physical intervention" look like? (The phrase "physical intervention" sounds like restraint, which some would consider "violence"). So, it would help me understand if I could visualize an example.